"Constancy blooms: an abridged history of Rust"
Distant Animals
Liburia Experimental 05
Cassetta tape - digital- Limited Edition 25
released: January, 07, 2021
Documenting a ten-year compositional process, ‘Constancy Blooms: An Abridged History of Rust’ explores Distant Animals' development of site-specific and alternative scoring methodologies. Drawing upon Musique Concrete, contemporary classical, free-jazz and early electronic influences, the album consists of the re-editing and re-working of its core compositional material over a ten-year period, engaging with notions of memory and cultural symbolism to produce a work that appears to drift between multiple contrasting states. Fundamentally an experiment in audio collage, ‘…An Abridged History of Rust’ interweaves multiple recordings, often taken years apart, into a dense and conflicting sound-world, with its elements often obfuscating instrumental clarity and melodic development in favour of highlighting the fragility of their performer and the character of their site.
Composed, recorded, and performed across 4 countries, in locations as diverse as a Victorian church, a Scottish Island, an Italian artists community, and a 16th-century forge, the album acts as a contextual dialogue between both the sites it inhabits and the composer's memories of their habitation. Performances are re-interpreted, re-mixed and re-edited in such a manner as to obscure any integrity or truth regarding their original creation, and instead subject to the grit and fog of the memory as it revisits them repeatedly over the intervening years.
Line Up
Synthesizer / Harmonium / Organ / Piano / Percussion / Field-recorder / Sampler: D.A. Hignell-Tully
Violin / French Horn: J. Guzek
Violin / Guitar / Percussion / Voice: K. Nickells
Saxophone: C. Tully
Recorded by: D.A. Hignell-Tully / James Mather
Mixed by: D.A. Hignell-Tully
1 - Inner
2 - outer